Evening Webinar, Men’s Mental Health

Evening Webinar, Men’s Mental Health

About the talk:

Mental health is universal across all genders, ages, ethnic backgrounds, and we are all susceptible to struggling with our psychological wellbeing. But how often have you heard men openly discuss their mental health? Probably not very often. But does that mean they’re coping with it better? Not necessarily!

Societal views on gender traits and assumptions, in addition to self and social stigma mean that it can be harder for men to show and talk about their emotions, experiences of low mood, anxiety and stress. There will be many overlaps in how mental health difficulties present for men and women, but there are some key differences too. Typical gender roles also mean that men often hold the burden of being the main financial earners in families, often working long hours at the expense of wellbeing outside of work; which will understandably impact their psychological wellbeing and experiences of stress, often leading to burnout.

Differences in gender expectations also means men are less likely than women to seek help for these difficulties. This talk aims to raise awareness of mental health for men, and consider what the differences might be, as well as an overview of different types of difficulties you may come across in life and how to get support.

What you will gain from the session:

  • Understanding of what mental health means.
  • Learning about factors that contribute to wellbeing.
  • Overview of differences between men and women when it comes to personality and mental health, and the factors that contribute to this.
  • Understanding of Depression and Anxiety and ‘quick tips’ to manage these.
  • Understanding ADHD.
  • Signs of Burnout & Imposter Syndrome and ‘quick tips.’
  • Awareness of how professionals can help, clarity on common misconceptions, and how you can start a conversation.

It is hoped that this talk will raise awareness of the kinds of difficulties that you may experience at some time in life and consider ways you can live healthier and more fulfilling lives, both at work and at home.

If you wish to join us, please RSVP by email on events@sage-clinics.com or on WhatsApp on +971 525873847.

Written by: Evening Webinar, Men’s Mental Health
Consultant Psychiatrist at Sage Clinics

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