Sage Evening Webinar – Managing Stress in a Busy Society

Sage Evening Webinar – Managing Stress in a Busy Society

When: Thursday 27th April 19.00-20.00

Where: Online

About the talk:   

Stress is common and experienced by almost all of us, as it is a natural and important part of the body’s fight or flight system. ​However, our lifestyles in the current financial and social climate often mean greater pressure to take on more, get things done and continue to drive forward as much as we can. Work pressures are increasing as are home pressures and so it is understandable that the prevalence of stress and stress-related disorders is on the rise globally. This can then mean we are in ‘threat’ state much of the time, perhaps feeling like we are about to ‘snap’ or ‘breakdown,’ which will have an impact on not only our psychological wellbeing but also our physical wellbeing too.

In their webinar, Dr Bisi Laniyan and Dr Gurveen Ranger, Clinical Psychologists at Sage Clinics, highlight how you might spot the signs of stress and what you can do about this.

What you will gain from the session:

  • Understanding of what stress means and how to spot the signs
  • Awareness of the contributing factors to stress, both individually and at a societal level
  • Awareness of the impact of stress on our psychological and physical wellbeing
  • Introduction to practical strategies and ways of combatting stress.

It is hoped that this talk will raise awareness of the impact of living in such a busy society on us and our wellbeing; and consider ways you can live healthier and more fulfilling lives, both at work and at home.

Written by: Sage Evening Webinar – Managing Stress in a Busy Society
Clinical Psychologist at Sage Clinics

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